Tom Kim expresses remorse for attacking the green during the FedEx St. Jude Championship.

Tom Kim admits that his recent actions on the golf course were far from exemplary.


this is so isolated



The 22-year-old South Korean golfer who has achieved success on the PGA Tour three times, experienced a moment of frustration during the final round of the FedEx St. Jude Championship in Memphis.



After missing a 5-foot birdie putt at the 12th hole, Kim reacted by slamming hister into the,



causing noticeable dent on the putting surface This behavior although not uncommon, is generally considered



unacceptable in theing world. It displayed immaturity on Kim’s part, especially considering that other players still had to navigate the damaged green.



To compound matters, Kim neglected to repair the damage, leaving his caddie, Paul Tesori, to clean him.

Videos capturing’s actions quickly on social media, many outraged golf comparisons to past involving Sergio Garcia.

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