Phil Taylor says Luke Littler faces ‘Man Utd syndrome’ to beat titles record

Phil Taylor has backed Luke Littler to break his record of 16 world titles but says the 17-year-old darts phenomenon will have to overcome “Man Utd syndrome” to do it.

Littler became the youngest player to win the world championship at Alexandra Palace earlier this month to complete a brilliant debut year on tour. After securing his first crown, Littler has said he could attempt to top Taylor’s tally if he has the desire over the next couple of decades.

The 64-year-old Taylor wants him to do it – even if he says he would have beaten Littler in his heyday. “If he wants to beat my world record, then he can go ahead and do it,” Taylor said. “It’s going to be difficult, to win 16 titles you are going to have to be in a lot of finals. It’s a lot of darts, a lot of hotels, a lot of miles travelling. He’d have to play for the next 20 years to get close to my record and for 20 years he’s got to be dedicated and make sure he does everything right.

“It’s difficult when you are young and you have money in the bank. I was 30 when I won for the first time, so I’d done all that before. You get what I used to call the Man Utd syndrome – and Liverpool have got it as well – where everybody raises their game against you, so you have to be at your best in every round.

“And it can take its toll on you. Especially when you get beaten because everyone questions you: ‘Why did he lose? What was wrong with him? Why has his bubble burst?’. Everybody loves to see you up there, and then they love seeing you get knocked off as well. It’s how you take it, but I think he is mentally strong enough to deal with it. I’ve had my day but I would have loved to play Luke at my best, we’d have had a cracking game. I think I’d have beaten him but I’m not sure!”

Littler has already transcended the sport in a way Taylor could never do, even with his domination over a 20-year period. Taylor, although widely recognised within darts, is not bitter. “Darts has gone crazy. You wouldn’t believe the difference since young Luke came along,” Taylor said.

“I’m fine about it, I’m too old for all that stuff now. I’ve had 40 years in my career, it can come and it can go. I have nothing but credit for the lad, I think the world of him. I think it’s great to see darts so popular. I’m fine, I’m loving my life.”

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